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Group Practice Paperwork Bundle

Steal my group practice paperwork!
If you are starting a group practice and ready to onboard new clinicians, this paperwork bundle is exactly what you're looking for!

Write your awesome label here.

The Group Practice Paperwork Bundle has everything you need to find, interview, hire, on-board, review, and terminate (ugh!)
Licensed Clinicians and Administrative Assistants for your team!

Instead of paying for your attorney's next weekend getaway to Charleston ... you can download all of my forms, keep what you like, and edit everything to suit your exact practice needs for a fraction of the cost!

I will *always* recommend running your final product by your attorney (that's just good practice as laws vary by state!) but an hour review costs a hell of a lot less than having your attorney create everything from scratch! 

Please note that these documents are designed for W-2 employment, which will come in super handy since the Dept of Labor has rolled out new, stricter guidelines on hiring 1099 contractors!

Keep scrolling for a detailed rundown of everything included for on-demand, right-this-very-second download!

Course Lessons

Meet the Group Practice Owner

Jill Williams, LCSW

Jill Williams is a group practice owner, therapist, and community educator. She opened Flourish Counseling and Wellness, PLLC as a solo practice in 2014 and expanded to a group model in 2021.

Jill's two biggest "WHY"s for opening a group practice are:
1) Her desire to provide high quality, empathetic mental health treatment with a focus on deconstructing buy-in to the oppressive social systems that keep us unwell; and
2) Her desire to provide meaningful, sustainable career opportunities for other clinicians so they aren't chewed up and spit out by the mental health system fresh out of grad school.

Jill now has a team of 7 clinicians and an office admin, with plans to continuing growing in 2024!

You can read about Flourish Counseling and Wellness, PLLC at www.flourishasheville.com

Outside of work ... Jill loves to lounge around on patios, pet dogs, play boardgames, walk in the woods with her family, go to concerts, and watch trash television. 

Patrick Jones - Course author
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