Fundamentals Series:

Attorney Approved Intake Paperwork

Save time and feel confident about your intake process by downloading all of the intake paperwork you need to make your practice client ready, reviewed and approved by an attorney!
Write your awesome label here.

Don't Reinvent the Wheel!

Trying to create all of your own intake documents for your new practice? Or simply worried that that forms you have been using aren't up to par with what's legally required? I did all of the work for you, so all you need to do is  just download and go!

Attorney Approved Paperwork!

It can feel scary and overwhelming to think through all of the legal aspects of private practice, so I made this one easy for you!
My paperwork has been approved by an attorney who is also a Psychologist, so you're covered!

Fully Editable Downloads!

I have included editable PDF, Word, and Pages (Mac) versions of every single document so you can customize it with your own practice info, your credentials, your hours and rates, your on-call policy ... basically you can edit to your heart's content and make these forms yours!

Video Walkthrough!

This isn't just about the paperwork itself! I also provide a video tutorial outlining when and how to use these forms, as well as scripting for you to talk confidently with your clients about the tough stuff ... like social media interactions, confidentiality for the children that you work with, and finances.

The Specifics:
Exactly What You're Getting

Adult Consent for Psychotherapy

This document provides an overview of what clients can expect from the therapuetic process, including inherent risks and limitations, your scope of practice and credentials, when and how diagnosing is used, and how medical records can be accessed. 

Child / Adolescent Consent for Psychotherapy

Working with children, and especially adolescents, presents some unique challenges surrounding confidentiality. This document is designed to help younger people understand exactly what therapist is, what your role in their life is, and how you will work to protect their privacy. 

Telehealth Consent

If you are providing psychotherapy via a Telelhealth platform, as many of us began doing in 2020, it is vital to have this additional consent signed by clients prior to beginning services. 

Support Group Consent

Bullying? Breaking confidentiality? Paying for a group series upfront? This document covers expectations for behavior within the group as well as how the need for additional 1-on-1 support will be assessed. 

Practice Policies

There is SO MUCH to cover with clients! This 4 page document covers financial related issues, appointment and cancellation expectations, crisis support (or lack thereof), contact between sessions, social media engagement, professional boundaries, and termination. 

Inclement Weather Policy

What happens when it snows? Or when the local schools are out for the day unexpectedly? This policy will provide a clear framework to reduce "no-shows" due to inclement weather. 

Privacy / HIPPA Notice

This 4-page document is required for all health care providers, or anyone who handles PHI, to review with their clients or patients. 

Consent for Release of Information

If you would like to coordinate care with other providers, talk with a child's school, have an emergency contact on-file, or request records from a former therapist, a Consent for Release of Information is required ahead of time. 

Email Privacy Notification

Add a layer of HIPAA security to your practice by tagging this email privacy notification onto all of your emails, after your signature, so recipients are clear on your privacy policy. 

Assignment of Insurance Benefits

If you are in-network with insurance companies, this document is a "must have," allowing you to file claims on your clients' behalf and share information necessary for you to receive payment for services. 

Election to Self-Pay for Services

Clients can have many reasons for declining to use their insurance benefits, even if you are an in-network provider, and this document provides them the opportunity to "opt out" of using insurance. 

Superbill Template

You'll need a superbill to provide clients who have insurance that you are not in-network with. Just fill this out, send it to the client along with their invoice, and they can request reimbursement from their insurer!

Collections Letter

The dreaded collections letter. Hopefully things won't reach this point, but in the event that it's necessary, you can send this letter via certified mail to ideally receive payment before having to turn things over to collections. 

Return to Work or School Note

There are extra protections within public schools (and some workplaces) for individuals to attend medically necessary appointments. Be prepared to send your clients out the door with the documentation they need for school or work. 

Termination Letter

Unfortunately, termination of services isn't always a shared decision between you and a client. In the event that you have to unilaterally decide to terminate a client from services, this letter provides a clear termination date as well as referral options and crisis support information. 


Do you want EVEN MORE support starting your practice?


Yes? Awesome! 
I've got you covered!

The "Fundamentals of Private Practice" training includes 
all of the paperwork outlined above, 
PLUS every single thing you need to feel confident ...

* getting and screening referrals for your ideal clients
* completing a Biopsychosocial History
*completeing a Mental Status Exam
* completing a Risk Assessment
* creating a Crisis Plan
* building rapport during your first session
* creating a treatment plan
* writing a session note in under 90 seconds
* coordinating care with other providers

Patrick Jones - Course author
Meet the instructor

Jill Williams, LCSW

After completing hundreds (if note thousands) of client and patient intakes over the years, Jill is a serious intake guru at this point! Her Attorney Approved Paperwork is all of the "basic" intake documentation you'll need to have your practice client ready in no time!
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